4 Buyer-Seller Messaging Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make This Q4 2018

Amazon Sellers know this time of year as ?Shoulder Season,? the interlude between the frenzy of Prime Day and the all-important holiday shopping season. During this important time of preparation for the holiday shopping rush, it?s important to get your Buyer-Seller messaging just right. Don?t bombard buyers with too many messages ? remember that Amazon already sends them several emails by default, and sending too many emails on top of that is unnecessary. Don?t send out unfocused, overly long messages with too many calls-to-action or which are overly focused on you and not the buyer, or which buyers will find irrelevant and useless.

Key Takeaways:

  • Don?t bombard your buyers with too many messages, or with messages that contain too many different calls to action.
  • Remember not to make your messages too much about you and your business at the expense of focusing on customers and making them feel heard and values.
  • Don?t send out messages that are redundant, irrelevant, or that buyers will simply view as glorified spam.

“If you?re like most sellers, you probably have a never-ending laundry list of things to do leading up to the most-lucrative time of the year, That?s why now is the best time to get your Buyer-Seller messaging in tip-top shape before the ensuing madness of holiday shopping hits.”

Read more: https://www.sellerlabs.com/blog/4-buyer-seller-messaging-mistakes-q4-2018/

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